I shed a tear

My Poems, Thom, Videos


As I watch you play

Your favourite seaside game

On a windy day

I see, what a shame,

I wasn’t even watching.

At the time, back then

I was just busy talking

Hiding in my den

In my head, my thoughts

I didn’t see the beauty

Happening in front me.

Luckily Tara filmed it

And now I got to watch 

A tiny part of my life

That had somehow escaped me…

Watching myself not watching

Missed moments of you growing

While still being there.

Being physically right here

But my head is somewhere else

And the sad thing is…

I bet it will happen again.


Birthday Week

Thom, Yoga


This week was Thom’s Birthday Week.

We had a great party with Thom’s friends in the woods/valley near our house. It was such a beautiful day: a pack of wild children running around the woods, climbing trees (amongst other things), hiding in dens, playing in streams, eating fresh home made bread, eating chocolate cake, wearing “bounaches” just for the picture…


The Moustache Crew was here… When they wore moustaches they were called Bert, Charlie and Jack…


 All the kids went back home with a seed bomb each, now they can scatter some native wild flower seeds in remembrance of this glorious afternoon we spent altogether! W. amazed me as he decided to leave his seed bomb on the Airman’s grave, as a WWII memorial offering.

The next day was Thom’s actual birthday day. It was a quiet and simple day, slowing down, opening presents throughout the day and playing with his new toys :)

Then the two following days were spent meeting up with friends and trying out the new skate park with Daddy.

Today Thom has chicken pox. I thought it would be nice to end his birthday week with a last pressie, handmade, just for him, so I made him an owl this afternoon…


It’s my very first felted animal and as I can’t follow instructions I just improvised… And she turned out ok I think.

It’s special because the owl is “his” special animal and I made it myself, using the fleece we had collected from the woods and valley near our house. We are moving in a few days, we will still be living in Ashdown Forest, but in a town. Of course the forest will still be next door and we will now be able to use our bikes to get around which I am very excited about, as I’m fed up with driving all the time. So this week was also a bit of a moving-on celebration, having friends over in “our” valley to celebrate Thom’s 6th birthday and taking a bit of this magical place with us, with this little owl…


Tomorrow I am off to my yoga teacher training for the day. No doubt another interesting journey :)

Have a lovely night,
