surviving the 21st century


writing. isnt it another word for reflecting?

sharing one’s reflections with others. when we are already surrounded by voices shouting through megaphones to be heard. Is it still worth whispering?

i often struggle to see the point of it all. like many, i miss the old blogging days, when it was a people’s tool for sharing their everyday lives, especially their best tips and recipes about baking, gardening and knitting.

I miss these times before big corporations broke the internet and big media corporations obliterated blogging turning it into another marketing tool to steal people’s data to target them with ads.

well does it even matter? I mean here we are now, looking for ways to share and connect and ponder on it all, without feeding the beast.

so few years later, and I find myself here, logging in on wordpress, remembering my old blogging friends. a lot of them are still on here, some even still post a few times a week! through the sand storms, tsunamis and earthquakes that may have hit them in the last few years, they still come back here to share their journey. they created this tiny space on here years ago, where they feel they can whisper away, or scream in a pillow.

i would write updates but i don’t even know where to start.

i should probably keep it simple and focus on the now. who cares where you have been as long as you know where you are going.

that’s the thing, who knows these days where this is all going.

we are living one day at a time, catching what life throws our way and seeing how we can make lemonade with it.

how to survive the 21st century, while the people in charge keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic?

i have spent the last few years thinking about how i was going to do just that.

surviving the 21st century, eating popcorn in my favourite deckchair, watching the ship sinks.

5 thoughts on “surviving the 21st century

  1. Oh Nóemie!! So good to ‘see’ you back….. i’ve been struggling finding my voice, popping back onto WP every now and then… Like you, I miss ‘the old days’ of WP meeting here every day catching up our followers. I do hope this finds you and the family are well.

      1. I’m as well as I can be….health issues keep me home most days now…..moved again. This life’s been an interesting journey, but grateful for it. Again, so glad to see you popping back up here!

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