From the water’s edge

bird watching, Birds, Nature, photography

Here is a series of pictures I recently took from the water’s edge in Weirwood Reservoir, which is one of my favourite places around here. It is a big body of water made of the Medway River – even though it is only a stream at that point (the Medway starts around here), there is a dam at one end which keeps the water contained here. Although it is man made, it is such a beautiful place and a great haven for wild life…

“Thank you!”

Animal Communication, Animals, Videos

I’ve uploaded a new video to my youtube channel, as promised at the end of my “Telepathy with your dog” video:

This is a guided practice for preparing you to communicate telepathically with your animals. I hope you will enjoy it and that you and your animals will get a better and deeper understanding of one another :)

Here is a video I did a little while back, which is a good intro for the video above…

I have just learned of the death of Dr Masaru Emoto and his last words were “Thank you!”.

Expressing gratitude is a great way to keep our hearts open, and it’s a great practice while we are communicating with animals whenever we find it difficult to stay focused and heart centered.

Dr Masaru Emoto’s work showed us how our intentions affect water, as you can observe the different patterns of water crystals when the water is frozen.


A Water crystal exposed to “I love you”

In one of his experiments, he exposed water to a note saying “I love you” and the crystals looked beautiful, whereas they looked completely chaotic when exposed to “I hate you”.

If we think about it, our bodies are made up to 70% of water and our brains are 90% water, so the thoughts and intentions we have towards one another and oneself surely affect us on a cellular level too…

Anyway here is a video he made about his research, as a humble tribute to his life’s work :)

Here I’m in the middle of organising my next animal communication workshop, and this time the theme is Dog. It will be over a few Sunday afternoons at the end of November, I hope to see you there :)

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them,
Filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.” – Thom Jones (American writer)

Have a lovely weekend,
