The Wheel of Time…

Animal Communication, Animals, bird watching, Birds, creativity, Knitting, Nature, photography, portraits, Thom

I think a lot of people obsess with the weather when they are conversing. I have noticed that writers seem to be obsessed with time.

Here we are, at the end of May.

Boy turned 10 earlier on this month. I still dont understand where that time went…

The thread between Gustav Holst, Sanskrit, Star Wars and Time…

Birds, portraits, tribute, writing, Yoga

We went to the Royal Albert Hall yesterday. It was the first time I had ventured to this mythical venue.

The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Ravi Shankar… just to drop a few names amongst the many great musicians who have blessed this place by their presence.

The place worked its magic on me, as I discovered a little gem. I discovered Gustav Holst.