Thawing, slowly…

Dogs, photography, Tara, Thom

I hope this post will find you well and enjoying a relaxing Sunday, wherever you are.

We ditched the car three weeks ago, before Easter weekend and so far we’ve been managing absolutely fine without it.

Our old car failed its MOT so I sold it to a mechanic who is going to race it for banger car racing. He told me he was going to paint it white with pink dots :D hopefully we’ll get to see it racing!

Another walk on the Worth Way…

Nature, photography, portraits, Tara, Thom

Back in June 2016, I shared with you one of our regular dog walks in our neck of the woods… which you can see here.

Back then I chose to document our dog walk on the Worth Way in Black & White.

Here is today’s walk, same place, same cast, different season, in colour, a year and half later…