“Thank you!”

Animal Communication, Animals, Videos

I’ve uploaded a new video to my youtube channel, as promised at the end of my “Telepathy with your dog” video:

This is a guided practice for preparing you to communicate telepathically with your animals. I hope you will enjoy it and that you and your animals will get a better and deeper understanding of one another :)

Here is a video I did a little while back, which is a good intro for the video above…

I have just learned of the death of Dr Masaru Emoto and his last words were “Thank you!”.

Expressing gratitude is a great way to keep our hearts open, and it’s a great practice while we are communicating with animals whenever we find it difficult to stay focused and heart centered.

Dr Masaru Emoto’s work showed us how our intentions affect water, as you can observe the different patterns of water crystals when the water is frozen.


A Water crystal exposed to “I love you”

In one of his experiments, he exposed water to a note saying “I love you” and the crystals looked beautiful, whereas they looked completely chaotic when exposed to “I hate you”.

If we think about it, our bodies are made up to 70% of water and our brains are 90% water, so the thoughts and intentions we have towards one another and oneself surely affect us on a cellular level too…

Anyway here is a video he made about his research, as a humble tribute to his life’s work :)

Here I’m in the middle of organising my next animal communication workshop, and this time the theme is Dog. It will be over a few Sunday afternoons at the end of November, I hope to see you there :)

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them,
Filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.” – Thom Jones (American writer)

Have a lovely weekend,






i want to write because…

Animal Communication, creativity, Yoga

“I want to write because I find expression of my thoughts and emotions releasing and revealing”


Hooded crow (Corvus cornix) in flight

… and also because it takes me to an unknown path.

When I go down that path,

I hear a crow and I feel safe,

like I have a life long friend by my side.

I might sometimes write my way to Africa,

sometimes only down the road,

but it always takes me somewhere safe, and clear.

I connect with my old friend soul,

together we detangle the yarn of life.

The happy times, the grieving times,

the times when I feel lost and alone, unloved

and the times when I feel life is the most precious gift.

I heal my relationship with others, and with myself.

I learn to trust, others and myself.

I reflect, self-reflect

Doubt and self-doubt…

And I always feel better for it.

“Live your life as an experiment” – Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Hammerhead sharks, Crow and Blue Swimmer Crab

Animal Communication, Animals, creativity, My Poems, Yoga


Hammer-head sharks, Crow and Crab

revealed themselves to me that morning,

after i sat in silence

on a chair in a circle, in a village.

the hammerhead sharks came first

and i felt safe instantly.

through me they sent an invitation

for a blond mermaid looking girl

to explore her emotions

a bit deeper on paper.

My prompt led her to meet whales,

then butterflies.

i can’t help but feeling a pull

towards the hammerhead shark

whenever I feel lonely, left out or sensitive

Hammerhead shark reminds me that

spending time on my own isn’t a curse

but a great opportunity

to swim fluidly through the waves of these emotions of mine

before they turn into unmovable rocks.

the hammerhead shark makes me feel protected on many levels

and i’m grateful for them to come to me.


Crow keeps coming to me too…

Although i know he is often around but unseen,

as a friend and protector.

yesterday he kept me company on 2 paths

the path of words unravelling from my soul

and the cycle path on the way home.

crow doesn’t usually say much

he is usually just a friendly presence,

watching over me like a close friend

as he landed on the path in front of me:

laid back, relaxed, amused, as if he was making fun of me

like an old friend.

i sometimes wonder if

crow isn’t a manifestation of my own father?

Blue crab asked me to tell his story,

like with everyone’ stories there are sad and happy times,

magic, light, wisdom, good meals and dark sea beds.


Ferdinand Bauer, Portunus Pelagicus Blue Swimmer Crab – watercolour 1806-1826, the Natural History Museum, London.

“I’m fast and I won’t be prey. I bury myself in the sand and I like watching the light coming from the top, sometimes it’s very bright and it lights up the sea bed. I’m used to darkness. I don’t like being picked up or handled. My life is simple you might say, but for me it’s full of action, drama, vibrations, rippling sounds… fears, the satisfaction of a good meal… Maybe not so many internal brainy turmoils as I take life as it comes, I live in the moment. I’m in the now and life is good” – Blue Swimmer Crab.

Blue Swimmer Crab has fascinating eyes, blue claws and an interesting pattern on his back and legs. His two front claws look like two pelican beaks with lots of teeth. The pattern on his back looks like a map of a world, with the shape of symmetrical lands.

Crabs feel very grateful when people free them from careless fishermen, SO do what you need to do to get them out of the crab pots or buckets before they end up on a fishmonger stall and boiled alive.

Whenever you feel that pull to set them free don’t ignore that call, they are calling you for help and need you to listen to your heart. Don’t dwell too much on how, just get them out of there!

Look in the eyes of a crab, and he will speak to your heart. Listen carefully for his message is simple but profound.

When you see someone fishing, focus your intention on telling the fishes in the water to go swimming somewhere else and stay away from that zone. Send that message out clearly again and again, it will work!

Savvy the spider

Animal Communication, Animals


 He found the Spider in his clothes again that morning. It wasn’t the first time he found the Giant House Spider in his study. She was always in the same spot and every time he would disturb her, picking up his clothes, she would run top speed across the room, to find another hiding place. And He would try to catch her, but She could make herself very small if she bended her knees, and she could fit in very small corners.

Eventually, he would manage to get her in a big pint glass, with a magazine at the bottom and would gently put her outside, in the garden which is on the other side of the building. Nevertheless, she was always back, in that very same spot.

He was amazed by her stubbornness. Somehow, she would always make her way back, without being seen, by anyone. Was she creeping across the house at night when everyone was asleep? or was she racing the journey back during the day, in plain sight?

He thought she had escaped when she fell off his hoody when he picked it up from the pile of clothes left on the floor. She fell and landed on her feet, her legs starting to run at top speed as she touched the carpet, to race across the room to find a hiding place. Just when he thought she had successfully escaped, his eyes sweeping over the carpet, he saw her trying to camouflage herself along a box on the floor. He put the big pint glass around her and watched her. He couldn’t help admiring the beauty of the marking on her back, she was of a decent size for a Eratigena atrica. He called her to come and meet her.

He wanted to find out why the spider kept coming back and what was her message.

The spider was trying to climb up the edges of the glass unsuccessfully. She gave up and decided to wait, bending her knees, gathering her legs around her body.

The Spider’s message was crystal clear. “Set your intentions. Focus… sharpness. Increase your focus and act intently. Don’t be loose or flimsy about yourself, others or what you want.”

Her little boy who was sat near the glass, staring in awe at the spider decided to call her “Savvy”. He left the room to draw a picture of her.

“Why do you keep coming back in the same spot?” she asked softly to the spider who had now started to relax a little.

Her answer was brief: “Warmth, darkness, comfort. It’s going to get colder soon, I must find a place for winter now, that’s the best place I have found”.

– But you keep being disturbed though…

– Yes, and I’ll continue to be until I find the exact spot where no one sees me or cares that I’m there. When you find a good spot it takes a few attempts to be able to settle in.

– What’s next then?

– I want to get out, I don’t like it where I am now (the glass).

– We’ll set you free. Don’t worry. I just wanted to talk to you, we won’t harm you… we were just wondering about the right place for you to go to… our garden shed might be a good option? It may not be as warm as here but you will find plenty of spots where you’ll be undisturbed…

– Yes, maybe. I don’t want to have to compete over territory with others though. Here is good because I’m the only one. I have room to re-populate the place, it’s quiet and cosy.

– You keep hiding in our clothes though… Clothes that we need to wear everyday. Should we let you out so you can decide for yourself where you would like to go?

– Yes

– Can you not come back in this very spot, in our clothes? Maybe you could find a spot not as comfy but out of the way?

– I never know if I’m in the way until I’m found, chased or caught.

– Be careful. some people are afraid of you and might want to kill you.

– I’m afraid of people, I don’t kill them.

– Some people do that though, they kill what they fear…

– How odd…

– Yes be careful please spider, I don’t want you to get into trouble. How could we make your life happier?

– You could let me stay and hide here?

– No I can’t have you running around here and not knowing where you’re hiding, but you are welcome to live in our shed… Should we try? If you don’t like it you will be able to escape through the window, as we’ll leave it open all day today. We will drop you gently near the window, so if you don’t feel safe, you can escape and go somewhere else..

– I’m scared of birds, they eat spiders.

– You’ll have to be careful then, Savvy the Spider. Do you have a message for me?

The message from Savvy the Spider is:

Focus and remain focused. Sharpen your senses, keep moving forward with intent.




Four cows need help urgently!

Animal Communication, Uncategorized

We had such an amazing time last Sunday, during the first installment of my 3 part Animal Communication workshop with the cows. I’m doing a re run of last Sunday tomorrow, for a mum and her son who had a bug last week and couldn’t be with us back then. I’m really looking forward to share this very special time with the cows with them tomorrow! I’m very excited to work with children on this. It’s amazing to witness their natural ability to communicate with animals. They seem to have this inner closeness to animals. They just look at them in the eyes and they feel what’s going on instantly. It’s beautiful and it gives me a lot of hope for the future too!

ImageI’m deeply in debt for the herd of dairy cows who guided me patiently through the maze of telepathic communication with animals. I facilitate Animal Communication workshops with them on request on a regular basis and half of the money I receive through these workshops with the cows go towards a Cows Fund to create something nice for them through a non farming related project, for instance finding them a retirement home and being able to get them there.

My first project is an emergency: I’m currently trying to rescue four cows who are scheduled to go to butchers in a few days time.

The farm who owns them is in the middle of deciding wether or not they will let them go for free. I have contacted a few animal sanctuaries who might decide to have one, two, three or all of them, but it all depends on the farm gesture of kindness towards these animals (they could get £700-£800 per cow from butchers). Some of them are pregnant and they all have mastitis. They are lovely, still have their horns on and would probably need to be hand milked for a while.

Dairy farming is not a particularly kind business. Farmers tend to disconnect from their hearts when they go in “farming mode” and have to make such decisions. Then they suppress it down somewhere and it haunts them for a long time. They are in a very difficult position too. I feel it’s important to support them to stay heart centered at all times and help them when they are trying to do their best with the situation they’ve got, which is not pretty . It’s very hard sometimes but I try to be non judgmental and to respect the farmer’s relationship/connection with the animals he is taking care of. I really don’t want to create another division as in good vs bad, I believe that every time you launch a war with something outside of you then you create a war inside yourself as well. Farming badly needs heart centered people at the moment and they are the ones who struggle to last very long because they can’t handle the pressure, coming from everywhere. I’m really hoping that by getting more and more people to connect with the cows they will develop their own relationship with them, and get involved with farms to give them a gentle push so they can develop a new way of farming animals: on a very small scale and with a harmonious relationship with the cows. I feel it’s important to not desert the cows and to be by their sides, to remind farmers/carers what the cows want and to try to alleviate the cows suffering. It’s not easy but it’s important to be with them and try to help. A lot of the time there is not much we can do, but I feel it’s important to not give up and try again and again… eventually it will work! So I hope that we can find a place for at least one or two of these cows, to give them a second chance to heal their traumas and to end their life in peace so they don’t carry too much pain/fear with them.

I’m asking you to help me here via donating some money that will go towards the transport of these cows if the farm agrees to let them go for free. I need to be prepared as if they do agree we will have to act quickly as the farm want them gone asap.

If they don’t agree to let them go for free, then I’ll have to see. I don’t really want to buy them, I would rather that these four cows become a symbol of Hope, a shining example of the beauty that arises when humans choose to act from their hearts instead of their calculator/brains. Of course every single life matters but I don’t want to become the soap that makes a farm look and smell good instantly while receiving money for it! It has to come from them otherwise it doesn’t mean anything. I’m happy to find safe retiring homes for their dairy cows but I want them to participate too! I know that they can afford it and it would be such a more powerful message if the farm agrees to allow their cows to retire in peace instead of just killing them for money.

I truly believe that if we want to change farming we will have to change it from the inside. We need to understand how the whole machine works so we can see how we can turn it into something more fair, more harmonious and beneficial for the animals and humans.  So if they were to refuse to let them all go for free, then I’ll be very sad and disapointed but I’ll have to accept it and try again another time. In this case I’ll either refund you the money you have donated or it will go towards this Cows Fund to finance future rescue projects.

As I work with farmed animals on a regular basis I do often come across opportunities to rescue them. I do my best to always do so, whenever I can, but because every time it’s an emergency situation I need to have access to money quickly to get the animals transported to a sanctuary, for example, or to get a vet to come and help. I would never be able to afford it on my own, which is why it’s crucial that I get together a fund to be able to act quickly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you want to donate you can use the Donate Button below, thanks!
