i want to write because…

Animal Communication, creativity, Yoga

“I want to write because I find expression of my thoughts and emotions releasing and revealing”


Hooded crow (Corvus cornix) in flight

… and also because it takes me to an unknown path.

When I go down that path,

I hear a crow and I feel safe,

like I have a life long friend by my side.

I might sometimes write my way to Africa,

sometimes only down the road,

but it always takes me somewhere safe, and clear.

I connect with my old friend soul,

together we detangle the yarn of life.

The happy times, the grieving times,

the times when I feel lost and alone, unloved

and the times when I feel life is the most precious gift.

I heal my relationship with others, and with myself.

I learn to trust, others and myself.

I reflect, self-reflect

Doubt and self-doubt…

And I always feel better for it.

“Live your life as an experiment” – Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

the colours of my soul

creativity, My Poems, Thom


The colours of my soul

spread on the paper

dripping through that brush

expanding at the contact

of water in wet paper.

the brush slides

my soul colours spread

themselves, mixing with

one another.

it’s a dance, it’s a rythm

it’s a song.