Sketchbook :: July 2016 ::

creativity, My Sketch Book, painting, Videos

Today is the last day of World Watercolor Month 2016. Thank you Doodlewash for organising it and thank you everyone for taking the time to drop by and being so supportive with your kind words. It means a lot to me :)

Instead of sharing a sketch or a painting with you tonight, I made this video, just to say Thank You!

You are enough

My Sketch Book, writing, Yoga

Why do we always feel that we have to work hard on ourselves? On our relationships with others? On our job? Well, on everything. Why do we believe that everything has to be hard work? Why can’t we allow ourselves to deserve an easier way?

Why do we believe so hard in the “no pain, no gain” motto. Why not being easy on ourselves and allowing ourselves to take the easy route so we can fully relax into it and enjoy it, instead of choosing pain and hardship?