Local Wildlife Protection Mission…

activism, bird watching, Nature

I went for a walk this am, to visit one of our local pond which is a small sanctuary for wildlife and a great bird watching spot. I was sat on the bench there, listening to all the bird songs and enjoying watching them all.

As I got a bit closer to take a picture of a duck, I realised that the water had a lot of rainbow pools in it. I saw that someone had thrown a car battery in the pond and that the acid had been leaking…

Meet Eartha

activism, Nature

Eartha is my latest Spirit doll. She embodies the Earth element and is timely ready for the International Rebellion, that Extinction Rebellion has started today in London.

I knitted her with local yarn, grown by sheep who graze freely in and round Ashdown Forest, hand-dyed by me using chaga mushroom.

Her dress is made out of handspun Nettle yarn. Her hair is made out of hemp, her flowers are knitted with some bits of scrap yarn given by my mum years ago.

She embodies Sacred Activism, through reconnecting with the Earth, Nature – including all her inhabitants –  and her sustainable, local, natural resources which are freely available to us.