Dawn adventures

photography, portraits

This morning I was up and about at 4:30am, thanks to my lovely cat Henry who likes to wake me up around that time because he wants me to open the door, so he can go back to sleep on/under the deck chair on our patio (weather depending that is). So I get up, like a good and obedient cat slave, open the back door and watch him settling down, literally 1 metre from the glass door. I bet he is purring too.

I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t as this is my usual insomnia time. I thought: this is a great opportunity to go out and find a spot to settle in with my camera and do some street photography.

Evening Spectres

photography, portraits, Thom

Evening Spectre

I’ve been enjoying exploring new territories recently. It could be because Spring is only five days away, or perhaps it’s because change has been in the air here recently. I’m enjoying playing more, experimenting with lights and shadows, colours and textures….