I shed a tear

My Poems, Thom, Videos


As I watch you play

Your favourite seaside game

On a windy day

I see, what a shame,

I wasn’t even watching.

At the time, back then

I was just busy talking

Hiding in my den

In my head, my thoughts

I didn’t see the beauty

Happening in front me.

Luckily Tara filmed it

And now I got to watch 

A tiny part of my life

That had somehow escaped me…

Watching myself not watching

Missed moments of you growing

While still being there.

Being physically right here

But my head is somewhere else

And the sad thing is…

I bet it will happen again.


“J’ai une âme solitaire”

Animals, My Poems


“J’ai une âme solitaire”

There’s not much I can do about it,

Especially when I’m amongst other souls

I end up feeling more lonely than if there were no other.

Of course I can always try to beat it

But I get caught up in my thoughts about owls

who, as you know, are not what they seem.

My friend Fox keeps leaving his trail behind him

I keep finding the odd shoe or teddy he has borrowed

And he leaves them in my way, on the side of the road

or in the woods, and when I find his trail,

It makes me smile without fail.

Then I’m reminded that I’m not on my own after all!

Even if that feeling of loneliness is within me

The reality is: my animal friends are all around me

and they keep leaving treasures behind

For me – or whoever pays attention – to find!

 With all my love to the owls, the foxes and all the animals who walk, crawl, swim or fly over this Earth.
