Interview with my dog Tara

Animal Communication, Animals, Dogs, Interview, Tara

Tara is 14 years old.

She has been with us since Easter 2007. She has been through all the highs and lows of our family for the last 13 years. She was here when our son was born. She was here when our dog Jasmine was preparing to die. She has been a loyal and kind companion all these years.

I asked her if she would like to share her views on life with us.

Here is our conversation. I thought you may enjoy reading her…

Do you believe in Dragons?

photography, Thom, Totem Animals, tribute, writing

~”There were dragons when I was a boy…”
(How To Train Your Dragon, Cressida Cowell)

I feel like I have been bathing in the Dragon Energy for quiet some time now.

The Chinese horoscope animal is the Pig this year, but not in my house.

This year we came full circle with dragons…

Dragons have been a part of so many folk stories around the world. From China, India, Europe… But where are they now?


activism, Animal Communication, Animals, bird watching, Birds, Nature, stories

Birds are always in sync. They always arrive and leave at the right time.

Seven years ago, my parents were driving in the French countryside, where they live.

My dad noticed a black shape on the side of the road. As he got nearer, he found himself looking into the eyes of a fledgling crow who was laying there, near a roundabout. She was only a few weeks old and completely on her own, with no parents in sight or earshot.

I shed a tear

My Poems, Thom, Videos


As I watch you play

Your favourite seaside game

On a windy day

I see, what a shame,

I wasn’t even watching.

At the time, back then

I was just busy talking

Hiding in my den

In my head, my thoughts

I didn’t see the beauty

Happening in front me.

Luckily Tara filmed it

And now I got to watch 

A tiny part of my life

That had somehow escaped me…

Watching myself not watching

Missed moments of you growing

While still being there.

Being physically right here

But my head is somewhere else

And the sad thing is…

I bet it will happen again.




I really enjoyed our recent trip to Cornwall. Lots of swimming, playing on the beach and exploring the beautiful coastline.

The ocean there is so blue and so clean! The landscapes are breathtaking. I would love to just spend weeks there just hiking/running/camping on the cliffs along both coasts, admiring the beauty of the ocean, spending the night listening to the sound of its breath and waking up as the sun rise, to dive in and meet up with seals… Next time, maybe?


Looking out towards Land’s End…


and back, towards Sennen Cove…

Paul Roche 2013

Feeling the presence of Spirits in Tregarrek, homestead of the rock… We made a humble offering at the top.

Roche 2013


Catching up with Lindsey in St Ives..

paul+thom lands end2

In the sea-mist at Land’s End, with the horn of the Longships Light sounding in the background.


Meeting a seal for the very first time…


I find shipwrecks fascinating…


Thom - st Ives 2013

Nice sun glasses…




