What if people think I’m crazy?

Animal Communication, Animals, Birds, Dogs, Nature, Tara, writing

Noemie Girlies_Fotor

Dear friends,

I hope you are well and that you are enjoying Autumn wherever you are.

I’m now getting ready for my next 6 day workshop which will start in exactly a week from now.

My last workshop at Emerson College was in early June. It was the end of Spring, the days were longer and the promises of a hot summer were in the air. The temperature was going up, the natural world was in bloom and all the insects were very busy.

Now it’s Samhain – A time to celebrate the spirits, past and present – Halloween is in only a few days and Autumn is definitely here. The trees have shed their leaves, the insects activity has slowed right down, getting ready for winter. It’s the opposite time of the year.

I love receiving emails from previous workshop attendees. I love reading your stories and how animal communication may have enhanced your connection with the natural world and the animals in your life.