Why do we need to have animals around us?

Animal Communication, Animals, Dogs

We love dogs. But do we really understand them?

We love our dog, but do we really know them? are we fully present? are we really listening?

How to decode unwanted behaviours? What is our dog trying to say?

Does your own behaviour even makes sense to your dog?

What is your dog trying to tell you?

Dawn adventures

photography, portraits

This morning I was up and about at 4:30am, thanks to my lovely cat Henry who likes to wake me up around that time because he wants me to open the door, so he can go back to sleep on/under the deck chair on our patio (weather depending that is). So I get up, like a good and obedient cat slave, open the back door and watch him settling down, literally 1 metre from the glass door. I bet he is purring too.

I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t as this is my usual insomnia time. I thought: this is a great opportunity to go out and find a spot to settle in with my camera and do some street photography.

Another walk on the Worth Way…

Nature, photography, portraits, Tara, Thom

Back in June 2016, I shared with you one of our regular dog walks in our neck of the woods… which you can see here.

Back then I chose to document our dog walk on the Worth Way in Black & White.

Here is today’s walk, same place, same cast, different season, in colour, a year and half later…

“Thank you!”

Animal Communication, Animals, Videos

I’ve uploaded a new video to my youtube channel, as promised at the end of my “Telepathy with your dog” video:

This is a guided practice for preparing you to communicate telepathically with your animals. I hope you will enjoy it and that you and your animals will get a better and deeper understanding of one another :)

Here is a video I did a little while back, which is a good intro for the video above…

I have just learned of the death of Dr Masaru Emoto and his last words were “Thank you!”.

Expressing gratitude is a great way to keep our hearts open, and it’s a great practice while we are communicating with animals whenever we find it difficult to stay focused and heart centered.

Dr Masaru Emoto’s work showed us how our intentions affect water, as you can observe the different patterns of water crystals when the water is frozen.


A Water crystal exposed to “I love you”

In one of his experiments, he exposed water to a note saying “I love you” and the crystals looked beautiful, whereas they looked completely chaotic when exposed to “I hate you”.

If we think about it, our bodies are made up to 70% of water and our brains are 90% water, so the thoughts and intentions we have towards one another and oneself surely affect us on a cellular level too…

Anyway here is a video he made about his research, as a humble tribute to his life’s work :)

Here I’m in the middle of organising my next animal communication workshop, and this time the theme is Dog. It will be over a few Sunday afternoons at the end of November, I hope to see you there :)

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them,
Filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.” – Thom Jones (American writer)

Have a lovely weekend,






Sound Healing

Floating Guitare

Thom’s floating guitar… Yesterday evening he went in the garden to play his guitar and that’s how I found it as I was coming out to bring it in… I guess Thom got side-tracked and just hung it there…

I’m a firm believer that we can release a lot of emotional stuff while listening to/playing music. Music and sounds are very powerful healing tools… singing, drumming, in fact: playing any instrument or just getting carried away listening to your favourite song and singing it at the top of your lungs are all great ways to release emotional tension.

Through singing we can release unspoken feelings that we struggle to put into words and vocalise.

I remember a yoga teacher friend of mine used to play music with her teenage daughter to open the communication channels… and through regular jamming sessions the mum and daughter ended up being able to catch up on the events of the day and discuss tough subjects… I think it’s a brilliant way to connect with kids/teenagers. I would love to have something like that going in my family now! Thom and I used to go to a drum circle every Monday evening but then one day we went and we were the only ones there. Thom didnt like having the teacher’s full attention on him during the whole session and refused to go back there ever since. I think now, one year later he is just about to agree to give it another try…

A lot of animals love music and they have their favourite bands too… my dog is a huge fan of Radiohead and she goes in a deep trance everytime they are being played in our house. She doesnt like punk rock so much (unlike my 5 year old who loves “fast music” as he calls it to run and jump around the house full speed). She prefers classical music and music with several layers and a depth of atmosphere…

Thom playing Guitare

Thom playing his guitar…

Thom playing piano 1

Thom releasing accumulated tensions on the piano… it sounds a bit like drumming…

Thom playing piano 2

I love chanting during my yoga practice. The resonance of the sound throughout my body feels like I’m tuning a musical instrument.

This week at my yoga class, our yoga teacher treated us with Sound Healing. She brought her Tibetan singing bowls to the class and offered us Sound Healing meditation at the end for relaxation. She connected with all of our main chakras using different bowls. Through visualisation and sound we got to experience very powerful healing of our psychic centers thoughout the entire body. It was incredible. I had to go to her class twice this week just because it felt so good!

It helped me a lot, on different levels. Now I feel I have more clarity, and I feel much lighter, ready to let go of unnecessary stuff. Today I let go of my old website. My photography website. I had it up and running since 2002 or 3. I spent a lot of time on that website. Like hours, even days of my life. But now it just feels right to move on and get rid of it. I feel totally comfortable just using this one now, to simplify things a bit more.

So I’m actually quite excited to turn this page and embrace a new chapter in my life.

My friend Annika is in labour right now and she told me last week that she was going to sing during the birth, for pain relief and concentration… It’s a lovely way to welcome a new baby into the world, it’s such a great way to be born: on the sweet notes of the singing of his mother’s voice…

I’ll leave you on such sweet thoughts,

Have a lovely night, and please join me in sending all my positive thoughts to Annika and her new baby right now…
