i want to write because…

Animal Communication, creativity, Yoga

“I want to write because I find expression of my thoughts and emotions releasing and revealing”


Hooded crow (Corvus cornix) in flight

… and also because it takes me to an unknown path.

When I go down that path,

I hear a crow and I feel safe,

like I have a life long friend by my side.

I might sometimes write my way to Africa,

sometimes only down the road,

but it always takes me somewhere safe, and clear.

I connect with my old friend soul,

together we detangle the yarn of life.

The happy times, the grieving times,

the times when I feel lost and alone, unloved

and the times when I feel life is the most precious gift.

I heal my relationship with others, and with myself.

I learn to trust, others and myself.

I reflect, self-reflect

Doubt and self-doubt…

And I always feel better for it.

“Live your life as an experiment” – Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.