Yule Rules # 1

doodles, My Sketch Book, portraits

I often find myself singing Christmas carols in the summer… But I rarely do it in winter.

And I often feel like wishing people Happy Christmas at random times of the year – Especially when I find they need cheering up. It sometimes work, if I’m lucky, I get a smile… :) So Happy Christmas! From me to you, to brighten the day…

“Happy Christmas!”

– But it’s not Christmas, you can’t say that yet!

– That’s your problem! Happy tidings to you and your kin….🎙🎤🎼🎷☃❄️

The Advent Fair…

Crafts, Knitting



Come to the Advent Fair,
I’ll have a table there,
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Handknitted fox scarves, bobble hats and mittens…
So come and say Hello!
Gnomes, foxes and fairies…

…and me!

Saturday 26th of November 2016

Michael Hall Steiner School – Forest Row RH18 5JA.




Late Summer Night’s Dream…

Birds, Crafts, creativity, Knitting, My paintings, My Sketch Book

I hope you are all enjoying the summer… Here I am getting busier and busier like a little bee, starting slowly to prepare for the Christmas fair at the end of November.

I have never sold my knitting at a fair before, I’ll be sharing a table with a friend and fellow knitter and… we shall see!

I’m still trying to put together a collection for the winter. By that I mean items that will go well together, along the lines of a woodland theme.

I have been experimenting with knitted flower headbands, and garlands of knitted leaves…

Octopus’s Garden

Crafts, Knitting, Thom


I just finished an octopus, to play with Boy’s fleet of pirate ships.

I finished it this afternoon while drinking cups of tea, eating vanilla sponge cake and listening to Mozart (Pure moment of bliss…) while Paul was trying to build a 2000 pieces nano Lego Titanic model and Boy was playing with his new pirate ships.

The patience of Moominmamma

Crafts, creativity, Knitting, Nature, photography, Thom

moomin mama knitting

Since being a mother I do often feel like I’m Moominmamma, with my knitting always at the ready in my bag, along with Boy’s survival kit: Rescue remedy, a spare pair of woolly socks, a pen knife, a palm drill, a half finished pom-pom, notebooks and pencils for drawing on the go, string, magnifying glasses… And all the things collected in the woods every day: shiny golden bottle tops, twigs and small sticks, pretty leaves, stones, bones, moss and pine cones…

And the patience. To wait. To listen. To be still. Even when a storm of wild, loud chaos unfolds.