I shed a tear

My Poems, Thom, Videos


As I watch you play

Your favourite seaside game

On a windy day

I see, what a shame,

I wasn’t even watching.

At the time, back then

I was just busy talking

Hiding in my den

In my head, my thoughts

I didn’t see the beauty

Happening in front me.

Luckily Tara filmed it

And now I got to watch 

A tiny part of my life

That had somehow escaped me…

Watching myself not watching

Missed moments of you growing

While still being there.

Being physically right here

But my head is somewhere else

And the sad thing is…

I bet it will happen again.


On Creativity…

Animal Communication, Yoga


My recent times have been busy with home-educating my son, my yoga course, gardening,  enjoying quiet family time, educating myself on the Ayurvedic system (and being amazed at how much it makes sense), and spending quality time in the woods with my canine friend Tara.

I’m feeling the need to connect with my creativity so I’ve been writing regularly, enjoying looking around me with a sense of wonder, and I even started to draw again.

I think all human beings need to find ways to express their creativity… Music and Photography used to be my ways of expressing myself back in my 20’s, and when I became a mum I started to cook a lot instead and of course I have a well-documented child, as I took quite a lot of photos of him as a baby and toddler.

Although at some point I had no camera… that was a dark era!

Portrait photography used to be my specialty, I used to enjoy taking portraits of animals a lot, and also trees, flowers, stones… I did take a lot of portraits of people too. Some of them were famous in their scene, others were famous with their Mums… it didn’t matter to me who they were. With every single being I had the honour to photograph (note I’m deliberatly not using the expression “taking” a photo…) I got to have a glimpse of their soul, and I must say that with animals that experience is often a lot more powerful than with humans, because animals just “let you in” without any attempt to shield anything.

Since being a Mum I have been constantly amazed by the sense of creativity that is innate to children. They are naturally creative as they don’t have any blockages within their creative process or great expectations for the result. Making a mess certainly doesn’t stop them getting started. Most of us adults have been conditioned when we were kids to care about how the things we make/create look like. We were compared with one another by thoughtless teachers or parents, some of us were told we were not good at arts, or that we didn’t have any talent in a particular subject whereas others may have been told they were creative geniuses and had to live up to the expectations that come with such a statement… I have met quite a few very talented artists and some of them seemed to be carrying their gift like a heavy load on their shoulders… that’s possibly why :-)

But for kids, art is just easy:


Thom and I go for long walks in the woods regularly and it amazes me to see how he comes up with Land Art projects on his own, and really enjoys immersing himself in the zone of creativity, creating a world made out of stones, earth and sticks…

He started to write on his own last year, because he was attracted by letters. So he started copying them on his own and now he writes his own name on everything and inserts random letters in his drawings as a part of the picture, because he likes the look of them.

Nothing seems to intimidate him, a few months ago we went to march to protest against the badger cull in the UK. I asked him to make his own sign and he just drew a badger, from the top of his head, just like that:


Obviously I’m aware that it doesn’t look exactly like a real badger, but I really like the fact that he didnt have anything holding him back from just doing it, even if he has never done it before!

(Re)opening the creativity channel doesnt need to be a complicated process. Even if as adults we may have forgotten the simplicity of just drawing or painting whatever comes to us. It is in fact a very liberating activity.

I find that writing a few pages first thing every morning helps. Most of the time I just start to write with no particular goal and my ideas just articulate themselves, and as I allow the pen to connect with my soul I realise in amazement that I’m releasing a few things that were stuck somewhere, in the back of my mind.

Going somewhere we have never been before can help, and also revisiting old places every once in a while to re discover them with new eyes is definitely an interesting experience too.

The practice of Yoga is a great way to release old blockages, to connect with ourselves and discover new possibilities – extending and stretching our own limitations.

Carrying a note pad and pen with you when out and about is useful as you may feel like writing something down while being in an inspiring place, such as the woods or the sea front… or in a cafe in town. One of my favourite activities back when I was travelling a lot used to be sitting down in a cafe somewhere and just writing anything that would go through my mind. Sometimes it was bits of conversations I could pick up around me, or words from a song… I have filled lots and lots of books like this. With poetry it sometimes feels that there is no thread to follow at all… but every single entry is an instant of my life. I would just spend hours writing, filling up pages and pages… and I would also sketch a lot.

Music is a great way to release blockages too. Singing makes you feel great, drumming can be very liberating and dancing is a very powerful way to release emotional build up!

The possibilities are infinite, but if you feel stuck you need to feed and nurture your creative self. That can be done through spending some time on your own in an inspiring place, to reconnect with yourself, and recharge.  That can be in nature, in the woods, in a park, in the mountains, by the sea or in a museum, a cafe…

Sometimes yoga teachers advise their students to take on a creative activity to release certain blocks, so they might advise them to start playing a musical instrument, or to start singing. Creativity is a very healing process if we are open to let go of our fears/apprehensions and just go for it!

Releasing blockages through creativity is empowering and very useful when one is learning to communicate telepathically with animals or any other beings. It stretches our minds to towards infinite possibilities, giving us a sense of strength and joyfulness that elevates us to a higher state of consciousness because we are really connecting with ourselves and the world around us…

So don’t fear judgements or criticisms and enjoy every single step of your unique creative process, and remember: The journey is more important than the destination.



Four cows need help urgently!

Animal Communication, Uncategorized

We had such an amazing time last Sunday, during the first installment of my 3 part Animal Communication workshop with the cows. I’m doing a re run of last Sunday tomorrow, for a mum and her son who had a bug last week and couldn’t be with us back then. I’m really looking forward to share this very special time with the cows with them tomorrow! I’m very excited to work with children on this. It’s amazing to witness their natural ability to communicate with animals. They seem to have this inner closeness to animals. They just look at them in the eyes and they feel what’s going on instantly. It’s beautiful and it gives me a lot of hope for the future too!

ImageI’m deeply in debt for the herd of dairy cows who guided me patiently through the maze of telepathic communication with animals. I facilitate Animal Communication workshops with them on request on a regular basis and half of the money I receive through these workshops with the cows go towards a Cows Fund to create something nice for them through a non farming related project, for instance finding them a retirement home and being able to get them there.

My first project is an emergency: I’m currently trying to rescue four cows who are scheduled to go to butchers in a few days time.

The farm who owns them is in the middle of deciding wether or not they will let them go for free. I have contacted a few animal sanctuaries who might decide to have one, two, three or all of them, but it all depends on the farm gesture of kindness towards these animals (they could get £700-£800 per cow from butchers). Some of them are pregnant and they all have mastitis. They are lovely, still have their horns on and would probably need to be hand milked for a while.

Dairy farming is not a particularly kind business. Farmers tend to disconnect from their hearts when they go in “farming mode” and have to make such decisions. Then they suppress it down somewhere and it haunts them for a long time. They are in a very difficult position too. I feel it’s important to support them to stay heart centered at all times and help them when they are trying to do their best with the situation they’ve got, which is not pretty . It’s very hard sometimes but I try to be non judgmental and to respect the farmer’s relationship/connection with the animals he is taking care of. I really don’t want to create another division as in good vs bad, I believe that every time you launch a war with something outside of you then you create a war inside yourself as well. Farming badly needs heart centered people at the moment and they are the ones who struggle to last very long because they can’t handle the pressure, coming from everywhere. I’m really hoping that by getting more and more people to connect with the cows they will develop their own relationship with them, and get involved with farms to give them a gentle push so they can develop a new way of farming animals: on a very small scale and with a harmonious relationship with the cows. I feel it’s important to not desert the cows and to be by their sides, to remind farmers/carers what the cows want and to try to alleviate the cows suffering. It’s not easy but it’s important to be with them and try to help. A lot of the time there is not much we can do, but I feel it’s important to not give up and try again and again… eventually it will work! So I hope that we can find a place for at least one or two of these cows, to give them a second chance to heal their traumas and to end their life in peace so they don’t carry too much pain/fear with them.

I’m asking you to help me here via donating some money that will go towards the transport of these cows if the farm agrees to let them go for free. I need to be prepared as if they do agree we will have to act quickly as the farm want them gone asap.

If they don’t agree to let them go for free, then I’ll have to see. I don’t really want to buy them, I would rather that these four cows become a symbol of Hope, a shining example of the beauty that arises when humans choose to act from their hearts instead of their calculator/brains. Of course every single life matters but I don’t want to become the soap that makes a farm look and smell good instantly while receiving money for it! It has to come from them otherwise it doesn’t mean anything. I’m happy to find safe retiring homes for their dairy cows but I want them to participate too! I know that they can afford it and it would be such a more powerful message if the farm agrees to allow their cows to retire in peace instead of just killing them for money.

I truly believe that if we want to change farming we will have to change it from the inside. We need to understand how the whole machine works so we can see how we can turn it into something more fair, more harmonious and beneficial for the animals and humans.  So if they were to refuse to let them all go for free, then I’ll be very sad and disapointed but I’ll have to accept it and try again another time. In this case I’ll either refund you the money you have donated or it will go towards this Cows Fund to finance future rescue projects.

As I work with farmed animals on a regular basis I do often come across opportunities to rescue them. I do my best to always do so, whenever I can, but because every time it’s an emergency situation I need to have access to money quickly to get the animals transported to a sanctuary, for example, or to get a vet to come and help. I would never be able to afford it on my own, which is why it’s crucial that I get together a fund to be able to act quickly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you want to donate you can use the Donate Button below, thanks!
