Why do we need to have animals around us?

Animal Communication, Animals, Dogs

We love dogs. But do we really understand them?

We love our dog, but do we really know them? are we fully present? are we really listening?

How to decode unwanted behaviours? What is our dog trying to say?

Does your own behaviour even makes sense to your dog?

What is your dog trying to tell you?

Do you believe in Dragons?

photography, Thom, Totem Animals, tribute, writing

~”There were dragons when I was a boy…”
(How To Train Your Dragon, Cressida Cowell)

I feel like I have been bathing in the Dragon Energy for quiet some time now.

The Chinese horoscope animal is the Pig this year, but not in my house.

This year we came full circle with dragons…

Dragons have been a part of so many folk stories around the world. From China, India, Europe… But where are they now?

A Cat Story…

Animals, stories

On my workshops I often share with the attendees how much I like the Rudyard Kipling story, The Cat That Walked By Himself, from Oh So Stories. you can read it Here.


This story is in a similar vein, but from Zimbabwe. It does encapsulate cats very well too… This is dedicated to all Women, Cats and Catwomen everywhere…

Once upon a time, there was a wild cat, who got tired of living alone and chose for herself a husband, another wild cat who she thought was the finest creature in all the jungle.

Our Time Here…

activism, Animal Communication, Animals, My Poems, photography


I’m not sure if I will be able to put all this into words… I chose the images above as a way to convey hope, a love for nature and the small things in life.

Our Time Here:

Even though nature is in a crisis, and huge transformations and changes need to happen,

Even if the governments seem to make a point of getting it all wrong,

Despite the fact that money and the interests of a few people seem to prevail,

Over the fate of the planet and the rest of her inhabitants…

I have hope.

An encounter with God

Animal Communication, Animals, Buddhism, Nature, tribute, Yoga

Yesterday, I had a lovely time, teaching special yoga in a local disabled centre. We reflected on kindness and on bodhicitta – wishing good things for ourselves, the persons we love, those we don’t like, all the sentient beings around us: the animals – pets and wild – plants, the planet… Everyone!

Badger Stories

Animal Communication, Animals, stories, Totem Animals


“I would ask you to remember only this one thing,” said Badger. “The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why we put these stories in each other’s memory. This is how people care for themselves.”

– Excerpts from Crow and Weasel by Barry Lopez.

What if people think I’m crazy?

Animal Communication, Animals, Birds, Dogs, Nature, Tara, writing

Noemie Girlies_Fotor

Dear friends,

I hope you are well and that you are enjoying Autumn wherever you are.

I’m now getting ready for my next 6 day workshop which will start in exactly a week from now.

My last workshop at Emerson College was in early June. It was the end of Spring, the days were longer and the promises of a hot summer were in the air. The temperature was going up, the natural world was in bloom and all the insects were very busy.

Now it’s Samhain – A time to celebrate the spirits, past and present – Halloween is in only a few days and Autumn is definitely here. The trees have shed their leaves, the insects activity has slowed right down, getting ready for winter. It’s the opposite time of the year.

I love receiving emails from previous workshop attendees. I love reading your stories and how animal communication may have enhanced your connection with the natural world and the animals in your life.

Entre Chien et Loup

Animal Communication, Animals, Nature, photography

Dear friends,

First of all thank you. If you have ever attended any of my workshops, you may know how I like to stress out the importance of gratefulness. Gratitude is like magic. It is a beacon of light that can shine when we find ourselves in the dark. It’s a key. It opens doors. Especially the door of our hearts. When one is generating a feeling of gratitude, one’s heart grows a few sizes bigger. And we can access that vast landscape. This openness takes us to oneness with Nature.

I have been busy. I am sure you have too. Who isn’t busy these days?


activism, Animal Communication, Animals, bird watching, Birds, Nature, stories

Birds are always in sync. They always arrive and leave at the right time.

Seven years ago, my parents were driving in the French countryside, where they live.

My dad noticed a black shape on the side of the road. As he got nearer, he found himself looking into the eyes of a fledgling crow who was laying there, near a roundabout. She was only a few weeks old and completely on her own, with no parents in sight or earshot.