Do you believe in Dragons?

photography, Thom, Totem Animals, tribute, writing

~”There were dragons when I was a boy…”
(How To Train Your Dragon, Cressida Cowell)

I feel like I have been bathing in the Dragon Energy for quiet some time now.

The Chinese horoscope animal is the Pig this year, but not in my house.

This year we came full circle with dragons…

Dragons have been a part of so many folk stories around the world. From China, India, Europe… But where are they now?

An encounter with God

Animal Communication, Animals, Buddhism, Nature, tribute, Yoga

Yesterday, I had a lovely time, teaching special yoga in a local disabled centre. We reflected on kindness and on bodhicitta – wishing good things for ourselves, the persons we love, those we don’t like, all the sentient beings around us: the animals – pets and wild – plants, the planet… Everyone!

The thread between Gustav Holst, Sanskrit, Star Wars and Time…

Birds, portraits, tribute, writing, Yoga

We went to the Royal Albert Hall yesterday. It was the first time I had ventured to this mythical venue.

The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Ravi Shankar… just to drop a few names amongst the many great musicians who have blessed this place by their presence.

The place worked its magic on me, as I discovered a little gem. I discovered Gustav Holst.

Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche

Animals, Buddhism, tribute, Yoga

“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you grow there?” – The Buddha.


I took a week off blogging last week, as I have been reflecting on the loss of Chatral Rinpoche.

As the western world is busy mourning David Bowie, truth be said I personnaly felt very sad and a lot more affected by the loss of Chatral Rinpoche, who died at age 102, on the 30th of December.