Message from a jilted generation

My Poems, writing

You feel so tired

and yet you keep on scrolling

Looking for disillusions,

Something new to believe in.

Your life is like a

bad internet connection:

Doesn’t seem to get going,

Sporadic, scattered.

Up or down. Or is it both?

Our Time Here…

activism, Animal Communication, Animals, My Poems, photography


I’m not sure if I will be able to put all this into words… I chose the images above as a way to convey hope, a love for nature and the small things in life.

Our Time Here:

Even though nature is in a crisis, and huge transformations and changes need to happen,

Even if the governments seem to make a point of getting it all wrong,

Despite the fact that money and the interests of a few people seem to prevail,

Over the fate of the planet and the rest of her inhabitants…

I have hope.